The cameras are sweet! They are Canon S10 IS superzooms. Mr. Ashley chose them because they are easy to use, shoot high quality photos and store their data on easy to use SD cards. An additional bonus is the fact that they shoot excellent video. We're super lucky to be able to use them. Thanks Poseidon Academy!
One of the cool features of the S10 IS is the powerful 20x zoom. These cameras can reach way out and snap some nice photos. Mr. Ashley told us that the when the camera's zoomed all the way out it's like shooting with a 600mm lens. They'll be perfect for shooting shorebirds and marine mammals. Here we are in class taking turns working the zoom and snapping photos.
Tomorrow we'll be walking down to the beach with the cameras and our "scavenger hunt" list. Mr. Ashley made the list and it contains things like, "three different types of sea birds", "pier piling life" and non-living things like, "a rip tide" and "two different types of waves". The idea is that we'll select the best photos and use them in our seashore guide. You can tell these guys are getting excited for the walk.
Check back for photos of our first trip down to the beach.
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