Today we spent time reviewing the photos that we snapped on our beach walk. We learned that not all photos are good photos. In fact, Mr. Ashley had us apply a whole set of criteria to each photo to determine if we could use it in our guide. Here's a few of the good, the bad and the ugly.

We all liked this photo; good detail, great color and a straightforward focal point. We'll call this one, "The Good".
This photo will be filed under, "The Bad". There are just so many things wrong with it. Here's a couple weaknesses: The background for the fish is really busy, the angle is bad too- you can't see any identifying markings on the fish. And don't get me started on scale... how big is that thing anyway?
The "Seagull eating the pigeon" was a huge hit. There must have been five versions of this photo. This one falls easily into, "The Ugly" catagory. We don't want to scare any small children away from our guide book so we'll try to leave out the ugly photos.
Here's our class holding up all of the points that Mr. Ashley typed up about good and bad photos. And the, "If you ever do this with the cameras you'll never use one again" guidelines... sheesh!

Some of us are so into it we're going to meet Mr. Ashley at 5:30am on Sunday to try to snap some additional photos... and it's not even a school day. Are you kidding me!
Here we are in class reviewing all of the photos. If you decided it was a bad photo you had to explain why using the critiques that Mr. Ashley gave us. This photo was bad because it needed something in it to give the viewer an idea of scale. Next time we'll put a ruler in the photo or a pencil so that you can get an idea of how big the object is.
Here's another really good photo- it kind of breaks the "Busy" rule but it's an interesting angle on the pier and it's got cool colors in it.
And this was a great bird photo it's close enough so that you can easily see the bird's markings- important for an identification guide. This is definitely a keeper.